Pembroke Magazine, No. 42 (2010) Shelby Stephenson's final issue has North Carolina Writers (including Doris Betts, Marianne Gingher, and Sally Buckner) honoring Ruth Moose. Also: a story by Jim Phillips and poetry by Jesse Graves, Sally Logan, Jackson Wheeler, and more.
***SOLD OUT***
Pembroke Magazine, No. 43 (2011), edited by Jennifer Key, features a tribute from more than a dozen writers to longtime Pembroke Magazine editor Shelby Stephenson. Also: poetry by Morri Creech, Pamela Davis, Julia Johnson, Derek Mong, Julia Wendell, and more. Fiction by Jennifer Cranfill and C.W. Smith. Nonfiction by Melissa Kirsch, Michael Narducci, and C.W. Smith.
***SOLD OUT***
Pembroke Magazine, No. 44 (2012), the American South issue edited by Jennifer Key, features poetry from Kelly Cherry, Michael Chitwood, Rebecca Dunham, Jesse Lee Kercheval, Alan Michael Parker, Rob Shapiro, Caki Wilkinson, and more. With fiction by Jennifer Cranfill, Alfredo Franco, Vic Sizemore, Andrew Waters, and Brandon Wicks. Also: Scott Bigelow shares a pre-Civil War plantation owner's ledger.
***SOLD OUT***
Pembroke Magazine, No. 45 (2013), the debut issue from editor Jessica Pitchford, features an interview with New York Times bestselling novelist Wiley Cash. With poetry from Jenn Blair, Matthew Dulany, Mercedes Lawry, Eric Lee, Matthew J. Spireng, and more. Plus fiction by Gilbert Allen, Neil Connelly, Katie Cortese, Cheryl Diane Kidder, Ashley Harris Paul, and Emily Roberson. Creative nonfiction from Katie Burgess, Susan Finch, B.J. Hollars, and Dionisia Morales.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 46 (2014) features intimate interviews with Jill McCorkle and Holly Goddard Jones. With poetry from Noel Sloboda, Glenna Luschei, Anne Dyer Stuart, Mia Sara, and more. Plus fiction by Jacob M. Appel, Elizabeth Genovise, Christopher Lowe, Joey R. Poole, John Vanderslice, and others. Creative nonfiction from Mary Bess Dunn.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 47 (2015) features art by Alrinthea Carter and Forrest Anderson's Q&A with debut novelist Tom Cooper, whose The Marauders Stephen King calls “a little Elmore Leonard, a little Charles Portis, and very much its own uniquely American self.” With poetry from John Andrews, Nandini Dhar, Jeanne Larsen, Steven Ray Smith, and more. Plus fiction by Randall Brown, George Choundas, Katherine Conner, Keith Lesmeister, Leigh Camacho Rourks, and others. Creative nonfiction by Benjamin Carr, Catherine Doucette, Susan Finch, Theo Greenblatt, and Jason Skipper.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 48 (2016) features poetry from Emily Banks, C. Wade Bentley, Mark Brazaitis, Elizabeth Bridges, Barbara Conrad, Chris Edmonds, Allys Page, Elizabeth Rees, Amy Sawyer, John Warner Smith, Anne Dyer Stuart, and more. Plus fiction by MaryEllen Beveridge, Andi Boyd, Polly Buckingham, Katie Burgess, Andrew Siegrist, Shelly Weathers, Gabriel Welsch, and others. Creative nonfiction by Rachel Hoge, Samantha Levy-Arnold, Steven Moore, Rachel Porter, and Heather Breed Steadham.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 49 (2017) features poetry from Ezra Baeli-Wang, C. Wade Bentley, Jenn Blair, Grant Clauser, Dallas Crow, Lynn Domina, Brian Fanelli, Robert Fillman, Steven Knepper, Lisa Lewis, Martha Owens, Colin Pope, Elizabeth Rees, John I. Scott, Matthew J. Spireng, Allison Thorpe, Mehrnoosh Torbatnejad, Kari Wergeland, Ruth Williams, and Matt Zambito; fiction by Gilbert Allen, Emma Burcart, Lindsay A. Chudzik, Dinah Cox, Scott Gould, Charles Israel, Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, Ashley Kunsa, Denton Loving, Ramona Reeves, Daniel Webre, and Nicholas A. White; creative nonfiction by Kristin Leclaire and Jie Liu; and an interview with Belle Boggs.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 50 (2018) features poetry by Levi Andalou, Deborah Bacharach, Bryce Berkowitz, Terri Brown-Davidson, Anne Champion, Hollie Dugas, Jeff Ewing, Eric Janken, David Klein, Richard Krohn, James Lineberger, Glenna Luschei, Benjamin Nash, Susan Rich, Claire Scott, Ben Sloan, Richard Spilman, Matthew J. Spireng, David Starkey, Shelby Stephenson, and Matt Zambito; fiction by Claire Bleecker, Charlene Logan Burnett, Sara Crosby, Jinny Koh, Tom Lakin, T. S. McAdams, Joel Morris, Scott Nadelson, Amber Ruth Paulen, and Karen Wunsch; creative nonfiction by Stephanie Bane, Tim Eberle, Charlotte Gullick, Suzanne Farrell Smith, and Eric G. Wilson; and an interview with Shelby Stephenson.
Pembroke Magazine, No. 51 (2019) features poetry by Robert Avery, Jan Ball, Grant Clauser, Benjamin Cutler, Jim Daniels, Ronald Dzerigian, Robert Fillman, James Grinwis, Caitlin Johnson, Peycho Kanev, Michelle Morouse, Cynthia Onni, Doug Rampseck, John Warner Smith, Robert Joe Stout, Millie Tullis, Larry Watson, and Gabriel Welsch; fiction by Stephanie Austin, Sarah Jane Cody, Nina de Gramont, Mark Jacobs, Teresa Milbrodt, Dan Moreau, Maura Stanton, Ron Tanner, Graham Todd, Derek Updegraff, and Jesse VanDusen; creative nonfiction by Melissa Fraterrigo, Dina Greenberg, Vivé Griffith, William Huhn, Jess E. Jelsma, Caroline Sutton, Gina Troisi, and Anna Whiteside.